Morkhoven and Noorderwijk are two sub-municipalities of the city of Herentals, each with their own identity and spatial challenges. In order to better manage future developments, Endeavour is drawing a vision for their village centers together with Atelier Romain.
We investigate the (social) space and delve into the wishes and needs of both villages. Building on what is available and in consultation with the residents, we aim to mutually strengthen living, working and leisure.

A sustainable vision of the future requires extensive use of shared space. A realistic vision also requires close cooperation between land owners, schools, youth associations and various organizations.
Through design research we draw up different visions. We discuss these with various actors, present them to the general population and work in more detail on an operational plan with the key figures .
The research results in a master plan with a tailor-made action plan for each village. Together with the policy plan, these form the basis for all types of spatial policy in Noorderwijk and Morkhoven.
Noorderwijk - Morkhoven
2021 - ...
Stad Herentals
Atelier Romain & Sweco
Jorik, Jiska